selected repertoire
solo works
Javier Alvarez | Temazcal (watch)
David Crowell | Celestial Sphere (watch)
Mark Glentworth | Blues for Gilbert (watch)
Lane Harder | Prelude & Fugue in E-Flat Minor+ (watch)
Anna Ignatowicz | Toccata (watch)
Steve Reich | New York Counterpoint
Eric Sammut | Ameline (watch)
David Skidmore | A Running Knot* (watch)
David Skidmore | Leap* (watch)
Joe Tompkins | To Varese
Alejandro Viñao | Khan Variations (watch)
Ben Wahlund | The Whimsical Nature of Particle Physics
Russell Wharton | Deus Ex Metronome*
Russell Wharton | Kingdoms+
Russell Wharton | Phylogenesis* (watch)
Iannis Xenakis | Rebonds
+consortium member
**BlueSHIFT commission
chamber works
Bob Becker | Mudra (watch)
Christopher Butler | False Summit** (watch)
James David | NOLA-BÈLA-SOWEGA**
Thierry De Mey | Musique de tables (watch)
Avner Dorman | Udacrep Akubrad (watch)
Enrique Guimera | Haikústicos (watch)
Lane Harder | Africa Hocket (watch)
Anders Koppel | Toccata (watch)
Adi Morag | Octabones
Arvo Pärt | Fratres (watch)
Francisco Perez | Selva Luminosa** (watch)
John Psathas | Kyoto (watch)
Steve Reich | Mallet Quartet (watch)
Eric Sammut | Kaleiduoscope (watch)
David Skidmore | Trying (watch)
Blake Tyson | Cloud Forest (watch)
Alejandro Viñao | Arabesco Infinito (watch)
Alejandro Viñao | Water (watch)